Ciudad Jardin lies to the east of Palma, just along the bay from Portixol. It has been heralded as the next 'up and coming' place for the cool and trendy set of Mallorca.
With a lovely white sandy beach and a promenade that takes you either back to Palma or east to Playa de Palma, it has glorious south-westerly views of the Bay and Palma.
The village was built in the late 19th century as a luxury resort close to Palma, the highlight of which was the modernist neo-Moorish l'Hotel Ciudad Jardín.
A number of smart restaurants and cafes have opened up along the sea-front, and although some of the buildings are still a little bit shabby, there is a definite Miami-South Beach feel to the place. Its proximity to the airport could be viewed as a plus or a negative depending on how noise sensitive you are.
Source: SeeMallorca
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